By digitizing the interface between surgeon and patient, Performance-Guided Surgery™ (PGS) can help deliver more consistent outcomes and usher in a new standard of care. 

A scientist controlling a hologram

Enhanced by Technology. 

Powered by People. 

Unlock the true potential of Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS)

Surgical robots can increase speed, improve dexterity, and give surgeons a clear view of what’s ahead. But something is still missing. Unpredictability arises from variations in anatomy, the intense physical burden of surgery, and other factors. Without addressing surgery’s inherent variability, how can we reduce complications? 

With Performance-Guided Surgery™, Asensus is the missing piece to bring today’s surgeries into the future: a combination of advanced robotic manipulation, real-time Augmented Intelligence digital surgery capabilities, and machine learning that generates and enhances intraoperative insights. 

The Surgical Assurance Framework

Plan and deliver the best patient outcomes
An icon of a gear replacing the top half of a human head

Accessible surgical simulation and training to help surgeons quickly gain confidence operating with Asensus Surgical systems. 

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An icon of a globe with multiple circles on it

Real-time digital surgery tools powered by Augmented Intelligence with the goal of precise, safe, and efficient operations. 

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An icon of a bar graph with a arrow following the peaks of the bars

Our data storage and cloud capabilities will continuously strengthen the insights provided by Augmented Intelligence, enabling surgeons to build an impactful, international digital surgery legacy.

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An icon of a gear replacing the top half of a human head

Accessible surgical simulation and training to help surgeons quickly gain confidence operating with Asensus Surgical systems. 

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An icon of a globe with multiple circles on it

Real-time digital surgery tools powered by Augmented Intelligence with the goal of precise, safe, and efficient operations. 

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An icon of a bar graph with a arrow following the peaks of the bars

Our data storage and cloud capabilities will continuously strengthen the insights provided by Augmented Intelligence, enabling surgeons to build an impactful, international digital surgery legacy.

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